Our Services


Book EndTAB to speak on a variety of eye-opening digital safety topics for your next conference or for talks with students, youth, parents and communities.

College Campuses

We cover a wide range of topics relevant to safety the modern college experience which, in so many ways, has gone digital. Some topics we cover include: modern dating safety, healthy relationships that are digitally safe, preventing and addressing image-based abuse, staying safe in the digital age and more.


Parenting in the digital age is overwhelming, confusing, intimidating and just plain challenging. We speak to frustrated parents about straightforward tips to parent effectively in the digital age, preparing their kids for digital adolescence and how to keep their kids safer online.


Growing up digital presents unique challenges that adolescents should not have to navigate alone. We breakdown important topics like cyberbullying, how people behave online vs. offline and what it means to be safe on social media and our devices.

Community Safety

Online abuse and safety is on the top of everyone’s minds these days - especially with how much time we (and those we care about) are online and on our devices. Presentations that speak to these concerns and offer practical advice are welcome and needed now more than ever.

Conference keynotes

Our founder, Adam Dodge, provides engaging keynote presentations at conferences around the country on subjects like ‘Demystifying Digital Safety’, ‘Narrowing the Digital Divide and Connecting with Youth’ and ‘Why We Needn’t Be Experts to Stay Safe in the Digital Age.’

We provide practical, hands-on and interactive trainings to empower professionals to work with anyone who is at risk of is being abused online or via technology. Sample topics include:

Tech-Enabled Abuse Basics

Defining technology-enabled abuse; common forms of abuse; red flags; incorporating digital safety in our work, and how online abuse manifests among targets of domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, elder abuse and human trafficking.

Emerging Issues

The world of digital safety is constantly evolving - in this course, we cover emerging issues like OnlyFans, digital dating safety, personal trackers/nonconsensual tracking and more to ensure attendees are ahead of the curve.

Tech-Savvy Safety Planning

Tools to screen for tech-enabled abuse and a step-by-step approach to incorporating a victim’s digital/online safety into traditional safety planning measures.

Tech-Forward Prevention & Outreach

For those of us presenting to youth, it is critical that we address the challenges and nuances of ‘digital adolescence’ in our work. This training covers the role of digital safety in a healthy relationship, the evolution of cyberbullying and much more.

Image-Based Abuse

Addressing and preventing nonconsensual pornography, sextortion, unwanted nudes, deepfakes and more, including responding to threats, tech oriented solutions, preventing harm, safe sexting, take-downs of unauthorized images and more.

Tech-Enabled Trauma

Victims of online and tech-enabled abuse often face unique, and surprising, challenges. This course identifies these challenges and offers proven trauma-informed practices to address them.

Verifying Allegations (without an expert)

In most instances, it isn’t practical or possible to engage an expert to investigate and verify allegations of hacking, cyberstalking, online harassment and other forms of tech-enabled abuse. This course explains what to look for and where to locate evidence that can support or disprove a victim’s claim.

Online Bystander intervention

Bystander intervention has been proven to be one the most effective strategies to prevent violence and encourage accountability in our communities. However, this approach doesn't always translate well to tech-facilitated violence. Here, we will focus on equipping participants with practical and effective bystander intervention strategies tailored for online environments.

modern dating safety

Digital dating exploded during the pandemic -- and with it came new features, trends and apps. Not surprisingly, new and heightened risks materialized as well - many of which are preventable. In this interactive session, we discuss how students can navigate common risks including impersonation/catfishing, recruiting, dating app stalking and more.

healthy relationships in the digital age

In so many ways, the things we value in a healthy relationship (trust, respect and safety) tend to change online. And not always for the better. In this session, we breakdown how our relationships to consent, safety, boundaries and empathy can become distorted in online spaces - and adjustments we can all make to ensure that doesn't happen while also protecting ourselves from unhealthy behaviors.

Engaging men online

Violence against women online is viewed by many as a 'women's issue.' It isn't. The reality is that abuse has become increasingly gendered online - underscoring the need for all of us, especially men, to examine how we got here and what we can do to be part of the solution. In this session, we discuss issues like rejection violence in online spaces, cyber-flashing and cyberstalking.

Abuse in Esports & gaming

In this interactive presentation, we aim to empower eSports coaches, Title IX professionals, faculty and staff with the tools needed to tackle and disrupt the culture of harassment within gaming communities on college campuses. We'll cover a wide array of topics, including practical and effective strategies to prevent and respond to instances of tech-facilitated abuse to encourage inclusivity in gaming environments.

Online financial abuse

Financial abuse has gone digital. Now, more than ever, building wealth and financial security requires that survivors are physically, financially and DIGITALLY safe. Here we (1) demystify how tech-enabled intimate partner violence directly and indirectly impacts a survivor’s financial security, (2) breakdown common examples and case studies and (3) illustrate how anyone can prevent and respond to different forms of tech-enabled financial abuse through safety planning and advocacy.

when victim blaming goes digital

Abuse is never the victim's fault - and yet victim blaming persists. In the digital age, the blaming of victims has become amplified and more severe, which impacts how we navigate and address online harm. In this session, we (1) highlight common forms of tech-facilitated victim blaming, (2) breakdown who is (and isn't) being targeted, and (3) detail strategies to help and empower both victims and our communities to prepare for, address and navigate victim blaming in online spaces.

online harassment

Online harassment is one of the more difficult forms of abuse to manage because victims must often rely on technology platforms to act and/or offer tools to stop the abuse, which often fall short of expectations. And yet victims still need to use these platforms to survive and thrive. In this session, we (1) detail how online harassment is carried out today and who is being targeted, (2) breakdown strategies to respond, including platform tools and de-escalation tactics, (3) demonstrate steps to prepare for, mitigate and prevent online harassment and (4) explore ways to encourage bystander and upstander intervention that help create more supportive online communities.